3 Awesome Hacks for Your Beach Vacation


The warm weather is here, and if you are like thousands of other of people, you will be heading to the beach this summer. Whether you are enjoying a local beach or heading off to a more exotic locale, be sure to use these beach hacks for a more enjoyable stay.

Hack #1: Get Rid of Sand Easily

Part of the beauty of the beach is the warm, inviting sand. That does not mean you want to take all of the sand that sticks to your body everywhere you go, though. Completely ridding your body of sand can be difficult to do; even after you have showered, you are still likely to find sand in your hair.

The main reason that it is so difficult to remove all of the sand from your body is because sand is hardest to remove when it is wet. That is why even showering will not remove it all. The best hack for removing all of the excess sand from your day at the beach is to use baby powder.

Baby powder will dry out the sand, allowing you to simply brush it off, or shake it out of your hair. Baby powder can be used all over your body and combed through your hair. Then, simply brush or shake the sand off.

Hack #2: Hide Your Cash

Unless you have someone traveling with you who can watch your cash at all times, chances are you are going to need to leave your cash with your stuff on the beach when you go for a swim. After all, taking your cash into the water with you is a surefire way to lose it.

However, leaving your cash unattended and out in the open, such as stuffed in a shoe, is not much better. Use one of these alternatives for hiding your cash.

  • empty Chapstick or lip balm tube
  • empty and cleaned lotion or sunscreen bottle
  • inside a rolled, unused diaper
  • empty stick deodorant container
  • empty dental floss container

These ordinary items are great for stashing your cash and some of the larger items, like the diaper, empty lotion or sunscreen bottle, and the deodorant stick container are big enough for credit cards and keys too.

Hack #3: Save Your Phone from Damage

Beaches are not exactly smartphone friendly. The water and sand can damage your phone quickly, requiring you to buy a new one. The easiest way to save your phone and any other electronics you might bring to the beach with you is to secure them in plastic sandwich or storage bags.

Once the bags are sealed, no sand or water will damage your phone. As an added bonus, you can still use your touch screen through the bag.