UK Exits EU- What This Means for Travelers


In a decision that has stunned the rest of the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK) has voted to leave the EU. While this decision has sent world stocks reeling, the travel industry is just as shaken. If you are planning a trip to Europe in the near future, here is what you need to know.

Open Skies Agreement

Under an agreement with the EU, the UK had what was known as an “open skies agreement.” Simply put, this meant that all airlines within the EU could compete under rules for fair and free competition. This competition resulted in cheap airfare all across the EU.

With the UK’s exit from the EU, it is unclear whether or not the open skies agreement will remain in effect. If it does not, it is likely that flights from the UK to other countries in the EU will increase.

For now at least, the UK will remain a part of the EU until all of the finer points of separation can be established. Therefore, if you plan to visit Europe, it is wise to make the trip sooner rather than later while flights are still cheap.

Customs Lines May Get Longer

As part of the European Union, citizens from any other EU country could travel freely, without having to wait in regular customs lines. As the UK will no longer be a part of the EU, it is quite likely that all travelers to the UK will be sent through the same customs lines. This means you will have a much longer wait, just to get through customs.

There Are A Lot of Unknowns

Just exactly how the UK’s split from the EU will affect travelers is still very much unknown. Many issues that were once overseen by the EU as whole, such as beach cleanliness, phone data charges, and travel taxes are yet to be determined.

Since no final decisions will be made until the UK completely separates from the EU, these questions may go unanswered for some time. Therefore, as a traveler, you should travel to Europe- while the fares are still cheap and plentiful, before the UK’s exit becomes a final reality.