Pro Tips for Stress-free Flying With Your Pet


If your vacation just would not be complete without your four-legged furry friend, you will need to educate yourself on flying with your pet. Flying can be stressful for both of you, so use these tips for a better flight and a great start to your vacation.

Check or Carry On?

Depending on the size and breed of your furry friend, you can either check your pet (he or she will travel with the checked luggage), or bring your pet on the plane with you. If your pet is the right size and breed to travel in the cabin of the plane, you will need to ensure that your FAA approved pet carrier will fit under your seat.

If the carrier is too large, you will have to check your pet with your luggage. So, be sure to measure your carrier and review your chosen airline’s pet carrier policy with regard to carrier size. Keep in mind also, that regardless of whether you check your pet or bring him or her on the plane with you, there will be additional fees for traveling with your pet.

Temperament is Important

It may be your dream to travel with your pet, but if your pet is not temperamentally suited for flying, your vacation can quickly turn into a nightmare. Dogs that are easily stressed or anxious will not do well on a plane, no matter where they are placed. Many airlines require that pets that fly are well trained and quiet.

If your pet does not travel well in a car, he or she most likely is not a good candidate for airplane travel. Take your pet for several long car rides in the carrier in which he or she will fly. If your pet does well, flying should not be a problem. Conversely, a pet that does not do well and makes a lot of noise or becomes anxious and stressed should be left at home.

Pre-Flight Routine

Your dog is going to be cooped up in a carrier for the duration of your flight. Therefore, it is important to expend as much of his or her energy as you can before your flight takes off. Be sure to follow this pre-flight routine.

  1. Take your pet on a long walk and play with him or her. This will help tire your pet out for the flight. It will also allow your pet to void his or her bowels before the flight.
  2. Do not feed your pet before flying. Food can cause your pet to have an accident while in the carrier. It can also make your pet’s stomach upset. Only give your pet water before flying.
  3. Withhold water from your pet approximately 2 hours before your flight. This will lessen the chance of an in-flight accident. Be sure to feed and water your pet once you have safely landed.