Bed Bugs: Don’t Bring Them Home From Vacation


bed bug

Bed bugs. If the thought of these small blood-sucking creatures makes your skin crawl, you are not alone. Many people have an aversion to these creatures, and rightly so. Unfortunately, bed bug infestations can occur anywhere, at any time, and to anyone. In fact, you might even bring them home with you after your travels. To reduce this very real risk, follow these helpful hints.

Choose Your Luggage Wisely

Did you know that bed bugs are attracted to cloth? They are, and this is exactly why you need to pick your luggage style very carefully. Soft cloth luggage is very inviting to bed bugs and should be avoided at all costs.

Instead, purchase and use hard-shelled luggage without a zipper closure. Bed bugs are tiny, and can squeeze through the teeth of a zipper.

Pack Everything in Plastic

When packing your garments and shoes, place each outfit in its own Ziploc bag. These bags will prevent bed bugs from infesting your clothing. When you are done wearing an outfit, place it directly into the bag and seal it before placing it in your suitcase.

Never Place Your Suitcase on Soft Surfaces

After a long trip, it can be tempting to place your suitcase on your hotel bed, on the carpet next to the bed, or on the floor of your room’s closet. This is just asking for trouble. Keep your suitcase away from these soft surfaces.

Keep your suitcase in the bathroom, or on the luggage rack. Remember to close your suitcase after each use. You should also avoid unpacking your clothes and placing them in the dresser drawers in your room.

Sanitize Everything When You Return Home

When you arrive home from your travels, inspect your suitcase before you bring it into your home. Remove all of the Ziploc bags containing your clothing. Do not open them. Set them to the side.

Carefully check your case for any sign of bugs. Vacuum your suitcase and steam clean it before packing it away.

Take your clothing, remove the bags, and wash it immediately in the hottest water your washer will allow. Then dry your clothes on the highest heat setting. This will kill any bed bugs that have managed to come home with you. Dispose of the bags in an outside garbage bin.